God Is Resurrecting a New Salvation Army!

WORD BY JODIE HUGHES | January 1, 2021
© Pour It Out Ministries 

In 2021 and the coming years, the harvest of souls will become an increasing priority, as regions and nations are poised for revival and people who have experienced the shaking, desperately seek something that is secure. Souls getting saved will again be normal, and breath fresh joy to those weary on religion or dry expressions of the church. Make room in your heart, goals and plans now for new christians. A fresh revelation of resurrection power will be available that stirs bold Acts-type faith for the impossible. The church is being transformed before our eyes into what more resembles an army that is resolute in mission, and courageous in call.

The remnant army is forming, mobilising and quickly gaining traction. The simple call of the gospel will not only see souls won increasingly this year, but will see a movement established that carries wild courage at its core, and undeterred commitment to serve the Lord, regardless of challenge, persecution or cost. This growing movement will cross denomination borders, and have no one person leading it, but each leader will carry the same spirit. We will see many “new faces” suddenly arise as leaders with influence who have been long prepared in hiddenness for this moment.

This “remnant army” has been forged through the “fire of delay”, and will not accept complacent, timid “church” as normal in this hour as they sense the urgency of the season and the call to charge forward. They will align with those who stir courage, mission and unapologetic faith. This year will see continued re-aligning of ministries and the remnant as God connections and right ministry relationships become crucial for fruitfulness.

This emerging remnant understands it’s not all about comfort and safety, but that there is a cost and risk at times to walk in the great commission. Those who carry courage to face difficult and chaotic circumstances will inspire a generation looking for anointed courage. This is not about encouraging foolish immaturity, but honouring mature, radical obedience that responds quickly in tumultuous situations that need those whose “feet are shod” “with the readiness that comes from the gospel of PEACE” (Ephesians 6:15). They are born to put “boots on the ground” and restore order to confusion. The radical passion, love and exploits of these ones will make some feel uncomfortable, but it is a recalibration to what biblical bravery looks like in our present-day spheres of influence, and current climate of change. Indeed, we the remnant are moving into a time of increased authority to be the CHANGE AGENTS in our sphere of influence. There are miracles, breakthroughs and transformations that ONLY we can release in our families and communities, and our authority and anointing must be utilised for GOD CHANGE and good news bringers. This year we are emphatically “sent” to be the good news in our daily lives. This has always been the case, but expect to be compelled and “thrust” into opportunities to “bring heavens heart to earth” because you are the only version of God your world gets to see, and they’re desperate for what you carry, “peace”.

“The world is unable to receive him (the Father) because it doesn’t see him or know him. But you do know him, because he remains with you and will be in you.” John 14:17

Our feet are designed to wear “the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace” (Ephesians 6:15). This means, where YOUR feet go in this season, you are specifically called and anointed to walk in the peace of the gospel. This looks like decreeing “PEACE TO THE STORM” and releasing order to disorder, light to darkness, life to death and destruction, healing where there is sickness, and peace instead of fear. YOU are anointed for your life this year and we MUST release peace to storms in our sphere of influence. YOU are the boots on the ground in your family and community. Our faith must be observed and effect the culture around us, being salt and light this year. This takes grit, but this is our mandate.

A new Salvation army-like movement is emerging that will carry a similar mandate to William and Catherine Booth in the late 1800’s but in a modern package. Souls souls souls! This new salvation army is resolute and called for this precise hour in our nations. We will see a mobilisation for the gospel and revival that will astound many in it’s fervency. The urgent SALVATION of this generation will mark a new breed of “revivalist evangelist” Indeed the revivalist, prophet and evangelist anointing is merging into a new breed warrior that carries power to resurrect that which the enemy stole. They will cause a stir just as revival movements of the past era’s did, and they will also see unprecedented souls won, and pioneer creative solutions released into current oppressive problems. A new era requires new strategies and anointed creativity to solve issues. There is no corruption or tyranny that will deter the faith of this remnant army.

This new “salvation army” mobilisation will carry:
-unapologetic faith,
-resolute courage
-contagious fire
-and shameless boldness.

The remnant may be but a remnant, but it is very much alive and growing and this will only increase in the coming years despite continued global shaking and challenges.

This movement will resemble an army, but a SALVATION army, that understands the times and season, and is reporting for divine duty. There is a fresh mantle of “sending out” into our own community, family and sphere of influence, and with it, a fresh anointing to reach those we are called to, and do our daily life “on assignment”. We are not in peace time, we are in war time season as in this is a time to fiercely battle in intercession and advance with courage. (Matthew 11:12 says, “and the violent take it by force”). The call is going out to sign up for service of The KING of Kings, knowing as any solider does, our lives are in the hands of the Lord. It is a season to be equipped and ready, knowing the Ephesians 6 spiritual weapons are for our daily use. I speak peace to your hearts though as this is all for Kingdom advancement. The upgrade of discernment and spiritual battle readiness will ensure we are not caught off guard, and enable taking significant ground in the areas you are called to. God is for us and not against us, and He is anointing you in 2021 to release God’s heart to the unique challenges that face you in your life, family and call as you go. You are “sent out” on assignment to your everyday life, anointed for the harvest.

John 20:21 is a verse for 2021:
“Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”

Perhaps more than any other season, Jesus is calling you up and sending you into 2021 and beyond, to be the anointed version of yourself and release the gospel in your world. We are “sent” and anointed specifically for 2021. Expect a harvest in whatever you are specifically called to. .

Revival fire, reformation grit and the ole time call of the power of the “blood and fire” that William and Catherine Booth carried is marking a new breed for a new era awakening. It will at times look very different, but carry a familiar feel of redemption. Jesus will be on the lips and hearts of the church in ways that is noticeably different to past years. The bride is falling in love with Jesus again, and it will give her courage to rise up, actively engage in current justice and righteousness issues, and roar.

TRADEMARKS OF WILLIAM AND CATHERINE BOOTHS MINISTRY that God is resurrecting and highlighting in this season are:
Salvation of souls was the mandate and purpose of everything
Allegiance to Jesus before religion, politics or popular culture
Radical generosity that engaged in care for the poor and social justice
Apostolic sending and empowerment
Holiness is not optional
Fear of the Lord was tangible
The simpleness of the gospel was preached
The reality of heaven and hell
Resolute obedience to the call of God even at great cost
Persecution was to be expected
The bible was their road map to revival
Supernatural was normal as a bible believing believer
Army-style bootcamp equipping for everyday evangelism
Unapologetic faith
Anointed creativity and the arts utilised for harvest
Pioneering spirit was empowered
The blood of Jesus was understood
The fire of the Holy Spirit was mandatory
Sacrifice was expected
Courage was required to serve God as it was a war for humanity

The war cry of the Booths’ echos still. And a new breed SALVATION army will march with resurrection power into 2021 and beyond to win souls. This movement is not an exact replica or replacement of a past (and current) movement as that was for another era, and this will look different, current and attract those many thought would never “burn” for Jesus. They will carry joy, despite the hour and they will see notable signs, wonders and miracles that touch weary hearts and desperate people. The overflow of this will be fresh faith for salvations in your own family and cities.

They are:
Revival ready atmospheres and regions
A Ripened Harvest
Remnant mobilisation of the COSTLY YES
Resurrection power

Revival ready atmospheres, regions and people
2021 will continue to have challenges as every year, but revival is brewing and popping already and will continue to break out. Some regions and cities will be charged with a revival atmosphere that is best described as the atmosphere being charged with expectation for revival. Many homes, revival hubs, cites, gatherings both online and in person will explode with revival fire. What can’t be overlooked is that there is a people that are “revival ready”, across our nations that are primed for a move of God. This means that revival will “catch” easily and spread. I see a match “strike” the ready hearts and contagious moves of God breaking out. It’s a season of revival, and I see many revival fires popping up all over America and Australia in particular. Faith for revival is growing and becoming contagious. (grab this for your nation)

In particular God highlighted California and Texas to me which I believe are poised for state-shaking revival. These states are called to strike again as they are revival ready.

Australia is also ready for revival with Queensland lighting up as I pray.

I hear the Lord say, “Strike Again”. The harvest is ripe and this will impact priorities and focus as we step into this season. When it’s harvest time in the natural, all hands are required tor the task of securing the harvest before it is lost. The nations are Revival Ready, and the Lord of the harvest is commissioning harvesters of harvesters to awaken the church to the crucial and urgent hour.

2 Kings 13:14-21 shares the story of a King faced with impossible circumstances and certain defeat. The word of the Lord was to shoot the “the Lord’s arrow of victory” through the open window! There is a window of opportunity for supernatural victories, harvest and revival open to us right now. These kind of kairos seasons are time sensitive and require swift response!

Then the word of the Lord was to strike the ground. Each strike was securing a far reaching victory. The King in this instance gave up persevering and striking the ground too quickly and saw only partial victory. The word of the Lord to us in 2021 is STRIKE AGAIN, as the nations are Revival Ready.

There are some breakthroughs that are reserved for the persevering. The  faithful remnant army is going to see victory after victory as they boldly step out and keep pushing through in prayer and actions. Persevering faith will see breakthroughs in this window of opportunity that is wide open for souls and revival.

A fresh focus on the urgency of winning souls, and being “harvest-aware”.

This urgency for souls will grip “believers” and not just those considered “evangelists”. The harvest in 2021 is not just ripe, it is desperate. The call to win the harvest will shift from being largely fulfilled by “evangelists”, to being a call to every christian. As my husband Ben says, “we preach the gospel not because we are evangelists, but because we are christians”.

The urgency of people seeking God will continue to grow and the ease of seeing salvations happen will surprise many. We will see astounding fruit in ministries that focus on souls. The growth of many ministries will be determined by their willingness to embrace this urgency from heaven for those not “secure in their eternal salvation”.

It will become increasing common for people to ask, “what must I do to be saved”. Being prepared and ready to answer, and back it up with power, will be key.

As revival explodes, so will equipping of the church to “be harvesters”. The numbers of souls that will be seen saved and fully activated will be overwhelming if plans and focus is not shifted now. Equally, where radical revival and evangelism is not embraced, influence will be lost, as well as souls and fresh life to tired congregations.

The recalibration you have walked through, was in part to prepare you for the coming season of revival and bumper harvest. It is also to prepare you to not crumble under the weight of the coming glory. A key for you, what God is asking you to deal with in your life; sin, unhealthy habits, delayed obedience, re-focussing on God or shifting your priorities etc, do this now. The season is fast shifting and you will wish you had dealt with these things when God asked. I speak God’s grace over you as you do that. Our priorities must shift. It is war time in the spirit. It is equally revival harvest season.

Media Missionaries with a focus on revival and souls will explode. It will be increasingly normal online and through social media, to see revival with notable miracles and mass souls saved.

In person gatherings will continue to be important and grow, but will “look different”. Where activation of the people is embraced and pursued, gatherings will thrive. Where the supernatural, word, courage and activation are encouraged, people will flock to be trained and ministered to in power. Without observable power, prayer, persevering faith, practical soul-winning and presence, ministries will lose influence. People will align where there is authentic courage and simpleness of the gospel preached and practiced.

3. THE COSTLY YES of this season

In the closing days of December 2020 I had a vision and clearly saw angels drop in a tent revival meeting in California with what looked like a clipboard and pen. I was overcome with holiness, and severity, of the moment. I knew these angels were sent to record the names of those who were counting the cost and saying yes to the remnant salvation army.

As I gave an altar call, the fear of the Lord gripped me, as I told everyone do not say yes unless you mean it. God was and is recording our response to the call. The harvest is ripe and God is looking for a people who will not shrink back or turn back, but courageously advance.

The Lord is calling a people to serve the Lord of the Harvest with a “costly yes”. The challenges and rewards will be many, but “Jesus is worthy”. The greater glory is about to be poured out on these ones. Authority in resurrection power comes from not giving up even in the face of insurmountable crisis and chaos where all hope is gone, and yet, this is when resurrection power is observed. To walk in such authority, requires complete surrender that costs everything. And yet, this is the call for an army that is born for such an hour.

There is always joy and reward in serving God, because He is a good Father. We are being reminded that sacrifice and obedience often require a cost, and this, is part of what we are signing up for when we give our “costly yes” to God. A resolute yes. A yes that doesn’t give up, back out, walk away, shrink back or quit on our call when things get challenging, or persecution comes. This resolute yes, a considered costly yes, is being forged into the fabric of a people… a remnant army.

Even as I write this, I feel fear of the Lord over it. The days of complacent, passive, lukewarm christianity being “normal” are over. Holiness is our call. Fiery hot is our temperature. Love despite different opinions and convictions is our calling card.

Again, JOHN 20:21 is important to understand we are sent to our families and sphere of influence on mission this year, “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” This means there are specific exploits, God-conversations and miracles that await you specifically this year.

Of course it is true that it is always a good time, and always our mandate, to preach the gospel. However, there are “windows” of opportunity and kairos moments and seasons in the Lord. When God is emphasising the fields are ripe, and saying, “they are white for harvest”, He is highlighting the urgency to “GO” and reap the harvest because they are ready!

When God assignments are time sensitive, they can be missed without quick obedience. This is partly why God is calling for a costly yes, as these ones do not live for any agenda but what the Father has sent them to do. Having our ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches is critical so we can move quickly when a fresh wind is blowing.

Resurrection power to bring lives, God-dreams, destinies, calls, businesses, families and nations back from the brink of death will mark the people of God that He is stirring up for this hour. Resurrection power and Lazarus-style comeback stories in peoples lives will become increasingly common. We must believe for dead things and dry bones to arise, and there is a remnant that is, and will, march to the sound of dry bones rising. Be ready to be surprised by sudden turnarounds as the fruit of a persistently praying remnant shatters enemy strongholds in our nations and families.

Before Lazarus was raised from the dead, not only was his resurrection impossible but Jesus seemed to deliberately delay his response. We will see many “dead places and promises” well past their due date being resurrected by the Lord. Our revelation is being stretched of what resurrection power actually looks like on a people, and our faith is being grown to believe for actual resurrections more and more, especially when unsaved people have died.

John 11:11 is for NOW
‘Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.’

Resurrection power will be seen bringing to suddenly shift impossible to possible, destruction to life, and awaken a remnant army. Suddenly breakthroughs in the nations, families and personal promises that bring comfort and awe are to be expected, despite the shakings.

How I hear the prophetic promise from John 11:11 this year is: “My friend America has fallen asleep but I am going there to wake her up!”

Expect that resurrection will turn around situations and release sudden awakening increasingly. What looks dead will live again. God is specifically decreeing awakening over America in this hour. God is decreeing a spiritual awakening and this is the hope of America (and the nations).

God is adding the supernatural to our natural where faith is found. God is resurrecting what the devil stole and destroyed. This is a season of God breathed new beginnings to the things that the devil tried to kill off. When God opens new pathways of promise, and confirms the next step, take it boldly. There are new beginnings that look different than you thought, but carry hope, where delay tried to squash your heart, and prevent what God spoke to you.

Jesus said, “she is not dead, she is only sleeping”! (Mark 5)
This is a word to the heart of America right now (and the nations). America is not dead, she is only sleeping. We will see slumber break, hope arise and revival sparks begin to spread.

I hear the Lord saying to you friend, “Don’t be afraid, only believe.”

These words from Jesus were spoken right before he raised a 12year old girl back to life recorded in Mark 5. Just as this situation seemed beyond hope, God is evicting fear and restoring hope, and resurrecting his original intent, even if requires supernatural intervention.

Jesus, before praying for the girl, walked up to the people gathered and kicked out the noisy, mocking crowd and only took in his closest friends to be part of this resurrection miracle. We learn a powerful key to resurrection life from this; stop listening to the voice of the enemy, evict the noise of the crowds, and only believe God’s word if you want to walk in resurrection power.

A challenge for us all this year, is to ask ourselves, are we in the number that would be kicked out of the room, or are we those who would be brought into the war room  where resurrection miracles unfold! Do we just add to the noise with our life, or are we those who are trusted to speak life to the dry bones, the dead dreams, the impossible situations. Let’s determine to be those who believe. 2021 needs our faith for resurrection power. 2021 needs our faith for prophetic Lazarus-style solutions and miracles. This is a season you will see what looked dead, resurrect before your eyes.

ISAIAH 1:19 - “If you have a willing heart to let me help you and if you will obey me, you will feast on the blessings of an abundant harvest.”

Those who display a willing heart to advance into 2021 with God’s help, and seek to obey quickly, will feast even in the midst of famine, on the blessings that come from our “costly yes” to the abundant harvest season. There are joys beyond your yes this year that you have never experienced before, as it’s new what God is orchestrating.

I want to be clear there will be continued global challenges and shakings. This calls for fierce faith. However, for God’s people this season has hidden blessings to unwrap.

Everyone’s costly yes looks different. And everyone who serve’s the Lord of the harvest, in every unique and different capacity, will feast on blessing from our King Jesus. God has “manna” stored up to bless and provide for you as you do what He’s called you to this year. This “manna” is supernatural provision that will often come from unusual sources, creative ways, and unexpected places. Be about the Father’s business in your daily business and a feast of blessing awaits to open Isaiah 22:22 doors to you (doors ONLY God could open).

The weighty manifest glory is going to fall. It will increase as we pursue Jesus. Expect God’s glory to intensify and open up supernatural atmospheres and gateways to glory realm revelation, especially new realms of creativity and solutions never dreamed of before. There will be moments that suddenly upgrade of healthy “fear of the Lord” causing people to see God as holy. God’s weighty glory will be known by His people again.

Ezekiel 44:4
“I looked and I saw the glory of the Lord filling the temple of the Lord, and I fell face down”

Finally, well done friend. You’re still standing, and this is victory!
This is the season you’ve been prepared for and anointed for.

Jodie Hughes
Pour It Out Ministries

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