It's Time To Run

WORD BY JODIE HUGHES | November 12, 2019
© Pour It Out Ministries

During worship last Sunday morning in Portland, Oregon, I had this word very strongly ‘drop’ on me.

It's Time to Run
I saw a relay race, it was like the 4×100 at the Olympics, and we (the global church) were standing in the position of runner number 4, the final runner. Runner number 3 was coming at us at full speed and was now right upon us. Then I very strongly heard RUN!!!!!
The stadium was full, all of heaven, the great cloud of witnesses, all of those who have run before us, they were all cheering loudly with great excitement and anticipation as we run this end time leg toward great victory and to everything that our Hebrews 11 brothers and sisters had not quite seen

For quite some time, the word has been ‘get ready’ but I believe it has now changed to BE ready. There is no more prep time, it is time to run, and run with all our might, NOW!!
I also saw that we were not just one runner but we are all in the race and we were all tied together. Imagine a husband and a wife tied together with one rope tied around both their waists. For some I saw the wife running but the husband was barely moving and holding the wife back. For some it was the other way around. It’s time for the whole church to run. Not just some. Not just the ministry leaders or the zealous youth or the radical intercessor, it’s time for all of us, every man, every woman, every child to run!

CHURCH, it’s time to RUN!!
“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”Hebrews 12:1-2

Lord Jesus, right now I give you the highest praise! I lift up your name above every other name!I choose now to lay aside every weight and burden that hasn’t come from you and repent of any and every sin!Thank you that your word says that if I confess my sin, you are faithful and just to forgive me of my sin and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Thank you for your blood that sets me free and for your grace that empowers me not to continue in sin and be free from all addiction and bondage. Thank you that in your presence is fullness of joy and that the joy of the Lord is my strength! Thank you for that strength and grace to run the race with endurance, passion and joy and to do everything that you have called me to do!Thank you that are the God of the breakthrough and I decree that breakthrough over my entire household and family and that we shall all be saved and run hard after you and the things that you have for us!I decree the same supernatural acceleration that came on Elijah in 1 Kings 18 that enabled him to out run the chariot, is coming on me, my family, my church and the whole body of Christ in Jesus mighty name!!

Jodie Hughes
Pour It Out Ministries

Jodie Hughes

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