The Pent Up Pressure is Breaking!

© Pour It Out Ministries

This week after a significant appointment at the hospital for an ongoing personal health situation, as I got into our car in the hospital carpark, I saw A DIAMOND at my feet! Apart from a beautiful sign that brought joy and thanks to my heart, it was a prophetic sign of a new season of INCREASE AND BREAKTHROUGH!

The breaker anointing is increasing for new sustained waves of breakthrough, especially in the area of HEALING and kingdom FINANCE. There is a fresh wave of healing and breakthrough in finances that will lift the faith and expectation of the corporate body. Many long term challenges and long awaited breakthroughs are about to break through with such force that many will be surprised by the goodness and suddenness of God. Laughter, joy and excitement will mark His bride as everyone hears what God is doing. I see a pent-up flood of miracle solutions about to suddenly manifest.

The pressure many have been under has been intense and unrelenting. Just when a battle has been won, the next intense battle has hit and many are battle fatigued. This is about to all change! The pent up pressure is breaking! The bells of change are ringing. New levels of breakthrough are upon His people who have faithfully sought Him in the midst of the intensity.

I see the pressure breaking and miracles are being birthed. From the intensity of the heat of the battle, a new “indestructible” generation is arising and being birthed right now that will carry destiny in their hearts, and fear of the Lord as weapon. This generation arising has been through the fire, and tested by the relentless hits and attacks, and they have been proven, tested and transformed under great pressure. They are a “God” force to reckoned with!

Just as a diamond is formed in tremendous heat and intense pressure, this past season you have walked through has formed treasure in you that will sustain you in the next. You are not the same person. You are entering this season armed and ready to take down the giants, and this victory will not just be your own, but a harvest of victories comes with you.

The word “diamond” comes from the greek “adamas” which means INDESTRUCTIBLE, UNBREAKABLE, INVINCIBLE, & BRILLIANT. The “Indestructible One” has turned the tide and what threatened to break you, has instead made you. God is upgrading your weapons of warfare and sharpening your tools of the trade. I see a new sword being given to His bride and inscribed on the sheath is INDESTRUCTIBLE! Be ready to run and exploit the victory when the pressure “pops” and you find yourself in the midst of long awaited promise. Be ready to run.

Destiny transforming moments will suddenly appear and you will need to move quickly. The heat and pressure is forming an indestructible faith and resolve in you, and an indestructible resolve to see the harvest reaped.

You not only “will not be burned” by these fires surrounding you, but YOU WILL BE TRANSFORMED INTO A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH. An indestructible faith and new breaker anointing for INCREASE AND ABUNDANT HARVEST is coming upon his bride. HEALING, MIRACLES, FINANCIAL RELEASE, LONG AWAITED BREAKTHROUGHS……. the pent-up pressure is breaking out and breaking through into brilliant victories!

Your past season is not wasted, it is precious unto the Lord and is a costly offering as you have surrendered your heart under intense circumstances only fully seen by the Father. A diamond is the hardest of gem stones as it was created under tremendous pressure and can now resist fracture under great pressure. This past season did not destroy you, it has made you and you are now “pressure proofed” for this “take the city” season. The birthing of the indestructible ones is upon us.

Get ready to run oh faithful indestructible ones! Your season of abundant harvest is upon you. And you were made, transformed and refined at a great cost for this hour! The Father celebrates your faithfulness in the heat and pressure, and He says, “keep pushing, the pressure is birthing the indestructible generation that will transform the nations.” The Father says, “well done good and faithful ones… well done”.

Diamonds most often suddenly come to the surface through explosive pressure that erupts and precipitates their breaking through the crust of the earth from hiddenness to discovery. Many are on the precipice of discovering what they are made for! Explosive pressure is surrounding many just now, and the pressure feels like it will break you, but instead it is breaking through the enemies plans and catapulting you into your destiny.

Do not fear precious pioneers. He is with you even in this. And He is for you!

Isaiah 43:1-2 “But now, thus says the LORD, your Creator, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine! “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, Nor will the flame burn you.”

Jodie Hughes
Pour It Out Ministries

Jodie Hughes

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