Here Comes YOUR Harvest!

© Pour It Out Ministries


You are loved and precious to Him. You have prepared a way for those you don’t even know. You have fought battles none have seen, and nor will they this side of eternity, and yet, you didn’t quit! Well done good and faithful Bringers of Breakthrough.

Here comes your HARVEST!
This is a year of ABUNDANT HARVEST, but it is also a first fruits year of HARVEST FOR THE HARVESTERS.

The Father would remind you, He ALWAYS REWARDS those who diligently seek Him, and this includes you. Your past season is the seed of reward and harvest you NOW enter.

Unprecedented harvest. Unprecedented breakthrough. Unprecedented favour. Oh Bringers of Breakthrough….. the Father is releasing breakthrough for you.

TO ALL THE BRINGERS OF BREAKTHROUGH…. the Father would have you hear today, “thank you”. Thank you for paying the price to walk this out. Thank you for enduring. Thank you for continuing.

(Many desire breakthrough. Few will carry breakthrough. Here are some truths that Bringers of Breakthrough will understand. Be encouraged.)


To be a PIONEER you have to be prepared that not everyone gets you.

To be a VISIONARY you have to be prepared that others don’t see it yet.

To be a REVIVALIST you have to be prepared to go there first and boldly make a pathway where one doesn’t exist yet.

To be a CATALYST OF HOPE you have to be prepared that when you meet hope starved hearts they aren’t always full of hope, or grace, yet.

To be a RELEASER OF RESURRECTION LIFE you have to be prepared for the dead things that will intersect your journey that seem an obstacle, and yet are simply awaiting your decree to live again!

To walk in BREAKTHROUGH you have to be prepared to pay the price of breaking through and breaking into breakthrough, so that others can too.

To PRIORITISE HIS PRESENCE you have to be prepared to realign, reschedule, and rearrange your life, heart, calendar, money, priorities and dreams…. even when it’s not at first convenient, understood, or easy.

To be an IMPOSSIBLE SPECIALIST you have to be prepared that everything not yet done always first looks impossible, and yet, this is what you are made for.

To be a RELEASER OF HEALING AND MIRACLES you have to be prepared to see with eyes of heavens perspective and believe a higher authority of truth even when the hits come, as miracles always follow those who believe despite…

To walk in your DESTINY you have to be prepared that what seems like failure and “bumps” is just a part of the road for those with courage to dare, and dare again, and again, and dare again even after…. the point is: you dared again!

To GO AFTER YOUR CALL you have to be prepared to ignore the many voices of fear, intimidation and criticism, and resolutely purpose your heart to hear His voice above the crowd that says, “I believe in you”.

To DO A NEW THING you have to be prepared that new is by definition new, and new is not always received or celebrated until it’s “tested, tasted and seen”… but someone must lay out the feast first so the “tasting and seeing” can begin.

To TURN THE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN you have to be prepared for things to be turned upside down as part of the process of being turned right side up. But God is in your process, not just your promise.

To TAKE DOWN THE GIANTS you have to be prepared to bump into some giants knowing this is what giant killers do.

AND…… to ENJOY all this…… you have to be prepared to pursue and find your joy in the only place it can be truly found, hidden in His heart…. which means sometimes you are hidden.

AND know when He said, HE REWARDS THOSE WHO DILIGENTLY SEEK HIM, He has you in mind………… you are not forgotten.

Be blessed beautiful Bringers of Breakthrough. You are loved. You are needed. And you are celebrated by your Father. He understands you even when others don’t. He is reviving your heart. He cheers you on and sees every battle fought. And He would say to you, “it’s worth it!”.

Keep going oh courageous Bringer of Breakthrough. Keep pushing through. THIS IS THE HOUR YOU ARE BORN FOR.

The God of the Breakthrough is breaking through for you.

Jodie Hughes
Pour It Out Ministries

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