Where Are The Guardians Of My Bride?

© Pour It Out Ministries

There is a cry coming from the heart of the Father…. “Where are the guardians of My bride?”
Jesus has seen and He has heard, and He is releasing those marked by FIRECE LOVE AND HONOUR to turn the tide of this wave of dishonour seeking to divide & destroy His bride.

New love and honour is arising for the bride and a new breed of worship warriors who will guard the heart of the new wine skin is emerging. The church is being transformed but not to demise, but upgrade. She will birth unprecedented revival and receive and steward the end time harvest, but the bride herself is in need of guardians in this hour. Honour is being restored.

Intercessors are being called in now to pray for the bride that she may not just survive but thrive. There has been much onslaught of dishonour and attack, and Gods heart is for his bride and to heal her heart. Those marked by Honour for the King & His bride are arising.

God is calling in His intercessors to not just pray for the Harvest but pray for the Harvesters. Many of the harvesters hearts are tired and weary from the constant battle, not just from the enemy but from within its own borders. There is a call to cease the civil war within the borders of the church itself……. a new sound of honour is arising…. a new love of the church is being restored…. a new grace to serve is being released.

God is pouring out new wine that will bring hope & childlike joy. It will heal the disappointments and the hurts, the offence and the bitterness, but this must be actively received. Many desire an end time harvest… few will love the Harvester as much as the Harvest. The bride needs your prayers and honour in this hour. Her greatest days are upon her….. Jesus loves her and he is calling in those who will pray for her & love her & guard her.

She is not perfect and nor will she ever be. Her imperfections are what make her authentic. She will carry a new grace in this season for restoration as she is a reflection of every heart and every person who desires more and yet discovers an authentic hunger after more finds us each in need of grace. As honour arises, so will grace.

The bride is NOT the enemy, or where the shots should be directed. The enemy of our soul and the harvest is Satan, and always has been. The many misdirected shots are about to be highlighted and redirected to the source of the attack which will bring GREAT VICTORIES AND NEW STRENGTH. Intercessors, this is awakening hour! Arise!

HONOUR IS ARISING. GUARDIANS OF THE BRIDE ARE ARISING who BURN with love for Jesus & His people. This new move is precious and it must be guarded and life spoken over it. Dishonour will be seen for where it comes from, the heart of the enemy, and not the heart of the Father.

Pray for the harvest as it is Harvest Time. But pray for the harvesters too. Release words of life over the bride. The church is arising into her greatest hour. Speak life and honour over the bride as Jesus’ heart is to see her thrive and flourish. Jesus loves His bride and guardians who carry this love and honour as a weapon of breakthrough are arising as Jesus asks, “Where are the guardians of My bride”?

Arise and shine. We, the bride, are entering our greatest days. Let’s walk in greatness and honour that is befitting of our royalty.

Jodie Hughes
Pour It Out Ministries

Jodie Hughes

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