God Is Calling Us Into A ‘Burning Bush Like’ Place Of Encounter

God Is Calling Us Into A ‘Burning Bush Like’ Place Of Encounter
© Pour It Out Ministries

“Just like Moses and the burning bush, God is calling His people out of the wilderness and into a place of encounter because He is about to deliver the nation”

God has been speaking to me over the past couple of weeks about what I believe is a word for Australia and for the wider church.

For many, this has been a wilderness season. Not necessarily in separation from people but in a place of dryness when it comes to encountering the presence of God and His glory. Many are still experiencing a measure of His presence, even seeing the miraculous, but in comparison to past seasons of encountering His glory and intimacy, it has felt dry. In many there is a growing hunger and thirst for the MORE. “We must have MORE”.

I believe that just as He did with Moses, God is calling the church, who He loves, right now, out of the wilderness and into a place of encounter. He is calling us, inviting us, to turn aside and into His fire, the ‘holy ground’ of His presence.

Why? Because just as in the days of Moses, God was about to move in power and show Himself strong with the purpose of bringing deliverance to the nation. God is about to do it again and display His power, His might and His goodness, bringing deliverance in our nation!!

“Who is this coming up from the wilderness leaning on her beloved?” Songs 8:5

That’s you and me beautiful bride!

The coming aside you feel compelled to is a promise of deliverance, not just for you, but for our nation!


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