First the shaking, then the glory.

First the shaking, then the glory.
© Pour It Out Ministries 

First the shaking, then His consuming glory.

(I felt prompted by the Spirit to search out what God was highlighting after last nights earthquake.  I am grateful no life was harmed and continue to pray protection on my nation.  However, I sensed the Spirit speaking through this event about a season of intensified glory.  I was interested to discover the following.)

Just as the earth shook in the natural in Queensland, there is a season of shaking upon us, and God is very much calling his people into a new season.  We look and observe the natural as a prophetic sign of the spiritual.  There are shakings on every level of society just now.  The shakings, shake off what isn’t helpful in our journey with God, and prepare us for the intensified glory. God is pouring out new levels of Glory. First the shaking and then the glory just as Hag 2:7 says.

Hag 2:7 “I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the Lord Almighty”

In this season of shaking our identity is being firmly deepened in Him, as He shakes off the unnecessary and brings out the gold.  It’s a season of abundant infilling and overflow. It’s a season of shaking off the old and releasing the new.  It’s a season of awakening contagious burning and harvest.  Aussies are being awakened by Him.

The earthquake at 1.57am last night (16 Feb) shook many awake from their sleep all over SE Qld and is a rare event.  Many will be awakened from spiritual slumber into fresh hunger.

The town of Eidsvold in regional Queensland, the epicentre of the earthquake, was established by a pioneering family from Norway who established and named the town. It later became know for its gold mining, followed by other industries.  Now it is a town much like many Australian towns that is in need of fresh infrastructure and financial reviving.

God is raising up a new wave of pioneers in Australia that will impact our nation and bring reviving.  The pioneering spirit will rise again in this nation.  The hidden gold laying dormant in the people is being uncovered, and the Aussie spirit is being re-defined and re-established in God.  A maturing of who we are as a nation is taking place.  There is a pioneering call over our nation and it’s people of all backgrounds.

Interestingly, just near the epicentre of the quake is the original property of Reginald Murray Williams AO, CMG, or as most Australians would know him, RM Williams.  His success story is worthy of highlighting, and is well known for his brand of stores that created an Australian style of bush wear known worldwide. He was a bushman and entrepreneur who rose from swagman to successful businessman.

RM Williams was an adventurer, and is symbolic of a whole new wave of Aussie entrepreneurs rising! Our natural adventure spirit is being taken ahold of by God and many will be released into new, bold ventures with Him.    Many will come into significance and financial breakthrough from seemingly nowhere and with nothing.  God is breaking the back of the poverty stronghold constraining and squeezing many in the Kingdom.  Where there has been financial battling, new strategies and ideas are being released that will bring success and even international acclaim. God is rebranding and reestablishing the Aussie identity in Him, reviving the great Aussie battler into the Aussie overcomer. Fresh pride and identity is rising. Our outback towns and our cities will be revived. Fresh hope is being poured out over our land, and it’s people, even those who have felt hidden and overlooked. God has heard the cries of his people.

A fresh surge of financial breakthrough will be experienced by many.  The constrictions are being broken.

The earthquake was magnitude 5.2, and Psalm 5:2 says, “Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for I pray to no one but you.”  Australians hearts are being softened and wooed by God, and they are crying out to God. He has heard their cry and breathing life on dry places.

His glory is being poured out in intensity. An outpouring of his presence will sweep in a harvest from the outback to the cities.

There are giants in the land that are being displaced and shaken from their position such as hopelessness, depression and suicide.  Eidsvold, has a suicide rate 60 times the national average and is known as a suicide capital!  This is unacceptable.  God is decreeing life!  (I decree life) God is disposing that which seeks to cut short life, dreams and destinies!  Statistics like this are tragic, and His heart breaks for the youth of our nation.  Where there has been depression and destruction, God is pouring out fresh reviving and hope and he will win those who are considered “too hard to reach”. NO person is beyond the reach of God.  No statistic is too far gone to be turned around by Jesus.  The answer is Jesus and he is reviving our nation and raising up a generation of sold out youth who will rise from impossible circumstances to walk in resurrection life. He is turning around hopeless circumstances, especially in the youth of Australia. There is a harvest that is about to be reaped, especially of youth who have felt disenfranchised and without hope.  Many on the land however have felt life being squeezed out of them through hard seasons.  Resurrection life from impossible circumstances is God’s speciality, and God is decreeing life to our nation.

Nothing is too hard for God.  We will see Him turnaround the impossible.  A resurgence of hope and financial & social recovery to many outback towns will happen as God breathes fresh life on the dry bones.  The same will be said of many impossible circumstances in peoples lives, and the nation.  God is the God of the impossible.

After spiritual shaking, the “desire of all nations” being Jesus, is discovered by hungry hearts.  A wave of evangelism will bring in a ready harvest.  God is awakening this nation. Here comes his glory.

Hag 2:7 “I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the Lord Almighty”

Jodie Hughes

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