Word from Bob Jones to Chris Harvey concerning Australian Awakening (and NZ, England, and rest of the World)

Word from Bob Jones to Chris Harvey Sept 2009 Concerning Australian Awakening
A Word By Chris Harvey | December 8, 2012
© Pour It Out Ministries

After receiving a word to go to the seer’s house in South Carolina in September 2009 I finally obeyed God as I am not in the habit of breaking protocol and just turning up at somebody’s residence especially anointed servants of God.

We arrived at Bob’s residence and he told his wife to let my wife and I in because he had been waiting for us. As we walked in I said I am an evangelist from Australia his response was say no more I already know that God told me you were coming. Sit down and I will do the talking.

The first words that Bob said were you are in the will of God in Australia stay there, because we had moved back there four and a half years earlier after living in the states for 10 years. He said Australia is spiritually asleep and God was about to wake her up. He said that we had been sent back to wake her up and we had nearly fallen asleep ourselves because of the apathy down-under. He said your biggest enemy has not been the world, but divination through controlling leaders in the churches.

We had just previously been doing a conference at All Nations Church SC. The Pastor Mahesh Chavda informed me that there had been a lot of angel activity around there church lately, and he had recently had a vision of an angel that was covered in red dust, which was bizarre because the day before we returned to Sydney was when the big red dust storm hit town.

In one of those meetings at All Nations Church we had a powerful visitation of Gods love where everybody was weeping including myself. Just before this move of the spirit I felt something land behind me at the pulpit, it was sudden and frightening. It felt like a massive bird had landed behind me I could not see anything but felt the wind and the presence. I thought it was an angel but knew in my spirit for some reason it was an eagle. It seemed to have a wingspan of 40 feet which came to mind when it happened.

With no knowledge of me and these meetings Bob looked at me and said I have one question for you how wide were the wings of that eagle that landed behind you at the pulpit on Rosh Hashanah, which is the spiritual new year for the Hebrews. I replied I wasn’t sure but it seemed like 40 feet he looked at the other man in the room at the time and said see what I had told you before they came into the room.

He said do you realize what these two things mean no I said

1. The number 40 speaks of one generation
2. Rosh Hashanah date change has gone from 5769 to 5770

Then he asked me do you know what happened in 69′ I did not have a clue Woodstock the Rock & Roll festival at Bethel New York he replied. Then he said it has been 40 years since then until now which is one generation and he pointed to my wife and said that’s your birthday August 16th in Australia but August 15th in American because of the time change, the 15th of August 1969 was when Woodstock started, and a whole generation of people were lost out of that new mindset that came into the earth.

But now God is about to do a new thing. There is going to start a spiritual Woodstock in Australia he never gave me a date or day but he said it will come and the church will not be ready for it. The thrust of it will come out of free worship it will go to the open fields, because buildings will not be able to contain it, and at it’s peak there will be a thousand a day first time decisions. It will spread from Brisbane through Sydney right around to Perth, then to New Zealand, England and the rest of the world, and in this next generation there will be one billion souls saved in the western world through this awakening.

This is the last great move of God spoken of by Smith Wigglesworth then he gave me 1 Cor 16:9 For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries. I looked up the Greek and it meant a mega door of the spirit.

I asked him how would this move of God take place because it was pretty tough in Australia, he said the spirit of true repentance would come upon the nation and the ministers and they would begin to weep uncontrollably as their hearts were melted under the compassion of God. Just like what happened in that meeting on Rosh Hashanah at All Nations Church.

He said it would not happen straight away but God would use me and many others to prepare the way. He said it would get very dark in the world in this hour, but the church would shine like never before. He told me that I had fought many enemies he surprised me by telling me that he’d only met five men in his 80 years who had fought so many devils he said it’s a wonder you still have your mind. Then he took me outside his house to pray for me. I said why are you taking me outside he replied because I am to old to fight whatever you’ve been fighting down/under. I was instantly changed when he laid hands on me my arms shot up to heaven, and my eyes were opened to a whole new level of spiritual insight I could see enemies coming my way ahead of time.

Since then we have done a forerunner spiritual tour of Australia and with that saw that people were very responsive and encouraged by this word that was given. Many have sowed sacred seeds into this new move of God as a first fruits offering and we believe their prayers and giving have gone up as a monument to God from the Great South Land of The Holy Spirit.


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